In Overwatch 2, Orisa is currently a centaur full-time. Orisa is a brawler and competes better against other tanks in a 1v1 combat than dull shields and a continual machine gun. With Orisa’s redesign, the hero became entertaining and distinctive to play while adjusting to the new 5v5 team structure.
Know when to interrupt opponent abilities like ultimates and mobility skills with your Energy Javelin.
Manage your talents’ cooldowns because many of them will let you endure battles and skirmishes for a long time.
You can use Terra Surge to draw foes toward Orisa even when it is not completely charged. Your adversaries will die from Ana’s Biotic Grenade and a quick, uncomplicated Terra Surge.
Augmented Fusion Driver
Javelin Spin
Energy Javelin
Terra Surge (Ultimate Ability)
What’s Changed in Overwatch 2?
New Tank Passive
Health increased from 200 to 250 (Buff)
Primary fire changed. Fusion Driver changed to Augmented Fusion Driver: 12 Plasma Projectile per second. (Rework)
Ammo removed and now uses a heat mechanic. (Rework)
Firing generates heat and overheating locks firing for 3 seconds. (Rework)
Fortify’s headshot immunity removed. (Nerf)
Fortify’s duration increased: from 4 seconds to 4.5 seconds.
New Skills: Energy Javelin, Javelin Spin, and Terra Surge.
Removed Skills: Halt, Protective Barrier, and Supercharger.
Regarding overall hero design and mythology, Reinhardt is among the finest Overwatch 2 characters. Reinhardt had a few alterations to his quality of life, including two fire strike charges and a mid-charge halt. Apart from that, he is a powerful melee tank that uses close combat to overwhelm opponents. He possesses one of the finest tanking ultimates in the game, which stuns and knocks down any enemy in a cone in front of him.
Be assertive and let your teammates know when you plan to lower your shield.
Instead of constantly employing your shield, manage it by using natural cover (walls and anything else that cuts off your opponent’s line of sight).
Be cautious while using your charge ability since if used improperly, it might swiftly result in your demise. Remember that once you use this, there is no option for you to escape because it is your only mobility talent. Thankfully, unlike earlier, when Reinhardt continued to charge until he reached a wall, you may now halt your charge ability in the middle of it.
Rocket Hammer
Barrier Field
Fire Strike
Earthshatter (Ultimate Ability)
Steadfast (Passive)
What’s Changed in Overwatch 2?
New Tank Passive
Health increased from 300 to 325 (Buff)
Armor decreased from 350 to 300 (Buff)
Firestrike now has 2 charges.
Firestrike damage decreased from 100 to 90 HP. It is still a buff considering Reinhardt now has 2 charges.
Barrier Shield Health reduced from 1600 to 1200 HP. (Nerf)
Barrier Shield Health Regen Rate reduced from 200 HP/sec to 144 HP/sec. (Nerf)
Charge steering turn rate increased +50% and is now cancellable. (Buff)
Charge damage decreased from 300 to 225 HP. (Nerf)
Charge cooldown decreased from 10 seconds to 8 seconds. (Buff)
An adversary can be quickly eliminated by the off-tank Roadhog. He can heal himself, which guarantees his capacity to live even in the absence of assistance. Since most shields were eliminated in Overwatch 2, Roadhog’s hooks are much more lethal because they may snag out-of-position foes and eliminate them from the fight.
Increase your hook accuracy and hook range by practicing. If you can’t pick up enemy picks as Roadhog, you should probably play a another hero.
Ana’s Biotic Grenade should be avoided as much as possible because it is a weakness for Roadhog. Roadhog won’t be able to heal himself if he has an anti-heal debuff, which will make it easier for adversaries to rapidly eliminate him.
Because you are readily targeted by adversaries and exposed to their attacks, use your Whole Hog power wisely. Before deploying your Whole Hog, check to see whether the other team has any crow control skills.
Scrap Gun (Short Range Spread Blast)
Chain Hook
Scrap Gun (Medium-Range Spread Blast)
Take A Breather
Whole Hog (Ultimate Ability)
What’s Changed in Overwatch 2?
New Tank Passive
Health increased from 600 to 700 (Buff)
Take a Breather healing increased from 300 to 350 (Buff)
A mid-range tank, Sigma excels at switching between his skills to sabotage opponent team fights. As long as he is in the proper position to launch his Hyperspheres, he may cause enormous damage. While Sigma’s talents were not altered for Overwatch 2, we anticipate that they will be for the 5v5 meta.
Be aware of the ideal range for your Hyperspheres, which is typically 20 meters from a rival. You may increase your damage output throughout the battle by using this approach.
Get comfortable deploying and retracting your Experimental Barrier to position your Hyperspheres at the ideal distance.
Make careful to chose the correct targets while utilizing your ultimate talent, Gravitic Flux, such as supports and DPS, to guarantee that they die during the « Slam » portion of your skill.
Kinetic Grasp
Experimental Barrier
Gravitic Flux (Ultimate Ability)
What’s Changed in Overwatch 2?
New Tank Passive
Shield Health increased from 100 to 250. (Buff)
Accretion’s damage increased from 70 to 100. (Buff)
Experimental Barrier Regen Rate decreased from 120 HP/sec to 100 HP/sec. (Nerf)
Winston is a hostile tank with the ability to dive off adversaries and destroy soft targets. With his jump pack, Winston possesses such extreme mobility that he can quickly enter and exit fight. He can regain full health, fling adversaries about, and break their rhythm thanks to his Primal Rage. His Tesla Cannon now has an alternative firing in Overwatch 2, allowing him to target a single adversary with greater range.
Similar to D.Va, you need to have a goal in mind before using your Jet Pack to confront an adversary. If your adversaries decide to band up against you, they can still remove you from the team battle.
Be mindful of where you set your Barrier Protector and make sure it prevents opponent abilities like Ana’s healings and other projectiles from being used.
You can now use your Tesla Cannon’s alternative fire to try to put an adversary down if they manage to escape.
Tesla Cannon
Tesla Cannon Alternate Fire
Jump Pack
Barrier Protector
Primal Rage (Ultimate Ability)
What’s Changed in Overwatch 2?
New Tank Passive
Health increased from 300 to 350. (Buff)
New Skill: Tesla Cannon Alternative Fire. (Buff)
Barrier Projector cooldown decreased from 13 seconds to 12 seconds. (Buff)
Barrier Projector duration decreased from 9 seconds to 8 seconds. (Nerf)
Primal Rage Ultimate Cost increased by 10%. (Nerf)
On the occasion of the release of Windows 11, discover 11 tips to use the new version of the operating system effectively.
he new Windows update has been available since October 5th. In addition to offering a more modern design , Windows 11 also offers new features. We have compiled a list of 11 tips to fully exploit the potential of this new version of Microsoft’s operating system!
1. Activate dark mode
On Windows 11, it is possible to choose between a light or dark theme. If the dark mode is renowned for its aesthetics, it mainly allows you to increase the autonomy of your computer and avoid eye fatigue. To activate dark mode on Windows 11, nothing could be simpler:
go to the Start menu ,
click on Settings, then Personalization,
in the Colors menu , choose dark mode.
Note: you have the option of modifying your theme for further customization. To do this, go to Themes .
2. Use keyboard shortcuts to navigate more easily
In addition to the existing shortcuts , Windows 11 brings a bunch of new keyboard shortcuts to make the operating system easier to use:
Windows + z: to easily dock windows with Snap Layouts
Windows + Shift + s: to open the new screenshot tool
3. Use widgets
Microsoft offers a new custom widget stream for Windows 11. To access it, click the widget button built into the taskbar or use the Windows + w shortcut. Various widgets are displayed by default in the tab: weather, news, calendar, etc.
It is possible to add other widgets such as stock market values, a to-do list, photos, sports results or traffic status. To insert widgets, just click on Add widgets or on your profile picture (located at the top right of the menu). You can also remove a shortcut by clicking on the three horizontal dots in the upper right corner of the widget in question, then selecting Remove Widget.
Note: you can remove the widget button from your taskbar by right-clicking then Hide in the taskbar .
4. Change default browser
In Windows 11, Edge is the default browser offered. Of course, it’s entirely possible to change this setting, although Windows won’t make it easy for you. Indeed, it is now necessary to define the browser to use for each type of file (PDF, HTM, HTML, SVG, etc.) and each type of link (FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, etc.). Here is the procedure to follow :
.Go to the Start menu then Settings ,
.Choose Applications then Default applications and Choose default values for link type. On the line concerned (FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, etc.), select your new default browser ,
.Then go to the Choose default values for file type tab , and repeat the process for the affected file types.
5. Change the location of the taskbar
On Windows 11, the taskbar is centered by default. If you don’t like this new configuration, you can move the menu. To do this, go to Settings then Personalization and Taskbar . Then click behavior on the taskbar, then change Aligning the taskbar by Left.
6. Customize your taskbar
Windows 11 provides the ability to customize the taskbar with an easy procedure: click Start , then Settings and Personalization . Then choose Taskbar . It is possible :
pin applications to the taskbar,
to deactivate the elements that you do not want to appear in the taskbar (search, display of tasks, widgets or chat),
automatically display or hide the taskbar in Desktop mode,
display or hide the badges (notification dots) on the taskbar buttons.
On the other hand, Windows 11 no longer allows you to place the taskbar at the top or to the sides of your screen.
7. Customize the Start menu
With the new Start menu interface , it is possible to pin the apps you are used to using in order to access them faster. To pin an app, go to the All apps menu , then right-click on the app you want to pin and choose Pin to Start menu.
Note: you can also deactivate the « recommendations » part of the Start menu .
To further customize your Start menu , you can add directories next to the power button. To do this :
Go to Settings then Personalization and Start ,
Choose Folders then activate the desired elements (settings, file explorer, documents, downloads, images, personal folder, etc.).
8. Take a screenshot easily
Windows 11 offers an improved screenshot tool, with easily accessible features.
To take a screenshot easily on Windows 11, you can:
use the Windows shortcut + shift + s,
select the Screen Capture Tool application in your search bar,
configure the « print screen » key on your keyboard (from your accessibility settings), in order to trigger a screenshot as soon as you press the key.
The new screenshot tool interface provides access to the different capture modes (rectangle, window, full screen, free form) as well as the self-timer function (3, 5 or 10 seconds).
9. Optimize the display space of windows
On Windows 11, the layout of the windows has been redesigned to improve your navigation. The Snap Layouts option allows you to organize your open windows among several layout templates. So you can divide your screen by two, three or even four and have access to all tabs at a glance.
You can use the Windows + z shortcut to easily dock your windows, or click on a window’s maximize / shrink icon.
10. Create multiple workspaces
Already available in Windows 10, the virtual desktop feature has been redesigned for the new version of Microsoft’s operating system. You can create a new desktop from the Task View button (the icon with the black and white square) located in the taskbar, or by using this keyboard shortcut: Windows + Ctrl + d.
To switch between desktops, simply press the Task View button again , or swipe left or right on your touchscreen with 4 fingers.
11. Save the settings of your external screens
If you are used to using one (or more) additional screen connected to your PC, here is a feature that should please you: Windows 11 offers the possibility of saving the display settings of your screens. Concretely, it is possible to save the layout of each window according to the connected monitors. Here is the procedure to follow :
Open the Start menu , then click Settings ,
Tap System , then Display ,
Select the Remember window locations based on monitor connection check box .
Appareil de streaming, Wi-Fi 6, télécommande vocale Alexa (avec boutons de contrôle de la TV)
le stick lecteur multimédia en streaming le plus puissant : 40 % plus puissant que Fire TV Stick 4K, avec un lancement des applications plus rapide et une navigation plus fluide.
Prise en charge du Wi-Fi 6 nouvelle génération : profitez d’un streaming 4K plus fluide sur plusieurs appareils Wi-Fi 6.
Expérience cinématographique : image 4K Ultra HD aux couleurs éclatantes avec prise en charge des technologies Dolby Vision, HDR, HDR10+ et de l’audio Dolby Atmos immersif.
Un divertissement sans fin : regardez des milliers de films et d’épisodes de séries sur Prime Video, Netflix, YouTube, Disney+, Molotov, myCanal, ARTE et bien plus, et écoutez des millions de titres. Des frais d’abonnement peuvent s’appliquer.
TV en direct et TV gratuite : regardez gratuitement YouTube en streaming et profitez de la TV, des nouvelles et des événements sportifs en direct sur Molotov, et ARTE et
Télécommande vocale Alexa : recherchez et lancez du contenu avec votre voix. Accédez à vos applications préférées rapidement grâce aux boutons prédéfinis. Contrôlez l’alimentation et le volume avec une seule télécommande.
Faites-en plus avec votre maison connectée : accédez au flux de la caméra de la porte d’entrée sans interrompre votre programme grâce à l’incrustation de la vidéo en dire
Vous posséder des écrans d’affichages dans votre entreprise, vous avez besoin d’automatiser des sorties de veille de vos mini uc chaque jour a la même heure pour afficher vos superbes publicités ou encore des informations, voici comment réaliser cela.
Brancher votre uc a votre écran et brancher votre alimentation, connecter un clavier et une souris,
Allumer ensuite votre uc en tapotant sur la touche F2 de votre clavier
vous arrivez sur le bios
Choisir power management, ensuite auto on time
ca vous donne les paramètres sur le volet de droite il suffit de remplir les champs
dans mon exemple ci dessous je choisi de la sortie de veille a 06h00 tous les jours sauf le samedi et dimanche
et je confirme en cliquant sur « apply »
cliquer sur exit lorsque le popup apparait cliquer sur YES
cisco jaber Jabra paramétrer le décrochage niveau casque
Il est possible qu’avec certaine version de Windows et aussi le pc que vous possédez vous rencontriez un problème de décrochage au niveau du casque Jabra.
Je vous explique ici la solution que j’ai trouvé, il s’agit d’un pilote de Windows par défaut qui rentre en conflit avec le pilote de Jabra.
Il suffit de désactiver ou de désinstaller le pilote du « périphérique Hight Définition Audio »
Pour cela rendez-vous dans le gestionnaire de périphérique comme sur l’image ci-dessous
et de désactiver le pilote
télécharger Jabra direct ici pour vous maintenir a jour et également vérifier si votre matériel est correctement connecté.
Démarrez votre pc sous windows 11 vous arrivez sur le premier écran où vous choisissez votre langue donc bien différent nous on va prendre français
des fois il y a des petits temps de chargement entre les fenêtres mais ça dure pas plus de quelques secondes vous en faites pas, donc là on va choisir notre région bien entendu nous sommes en france alors on dit oui.
et on va choisir la méthode de disposition du clavier donc évidemment on va reprendre le français donc le fameux clavier azerty.
jusque là rien de compliqué est-ce qu’on va ajouter une deuxième disposition clavier mais sachez que vous pouvez le faire après avoir configuré votre Windows directement passant par les paramètres
Alors là on arrive à la première chose intéressante il est temps de se connecter à un réseau wifi ça existe déjà sous Windows 10 mais cette fois on ne peut plus passer cette étape si vous voulez installer Windows 11 sur votre pc il faut absolument qu’il soit connecté au wifi vous allez voir pourquoi tout à l’heure
On va bien entendu se connecte une fois que vous êtes connecté à votre wifi il suffit d’appuyer sur suivant l’ordinateur va faire quelques petites recherches pour voir les dernières mises à jour de Windows qui sont disponibles la Windows 11 venant de sortir théoriquement vous ne devrez pas en avoir beaucoup s’ils nécessitent d’être connecté à internet voilà pourquoi
laisser faire Windows, surtout n’éteignez pas votre pc
Nous arrivons sur une nouvelle fenêtre d’installation des mises à jour votre ordinateur redémarre ce qui est tout à fait normal ne vous en faites pas. Et on arrive sur le contrat de licence, évidemment on veux utiliser Windows 11 donc on accepte le contrat.
sur la fenêtre suivante vous donnez un nom a votre ordinateur ca existait déjà sous Windows 10 mais la c’est dès la configuration.
Nous voila sur nouvelle fenêtre « ajouter votre compte Microsoft » inscrivez votre mail et cliquer sur suivantcréer ensuite votre code confidentiel, c’est obligatoire les code 1234 et 0000 ne sont pas valable
Là nous arrivons sur une fenêtre intéressante si vous avez réinitialiser votre pc à partir de Windows 11 et que vous avez tout nettoyé vous pouvez quand même récupérer vos données précédemment sauvegarde ou alors vous pouvez configurer cet ordinateur comme un nouvel appareil on va partir du principe que c’est un ordinateur neuf et nous allons le configurer en tant que nouvel
Vous arrivez ensuite sur les autorisations je vous conseils de mettre non a tout pour préserver vos données
Configurer OneDrive si vous l’utilisez et également a office si vous êtes abonné
On arrive à la dernière étape laisser le pc travailler et faire ces derniers ajustements.
Voilà configurer Windows 11 et simple comme bonjour.
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