Categories: Les infos geek


2022-10-12 21:01:18


Regarding overall hero design and mythology, Reinhardt is among the finest Overwatch 2 characters. Reinhardt had a few alterations to his quality of life, including two fire strike charges and a mid-charge halt. Apart from that, he is a powerful melee tank that uses close combat to overwhelm opponents. He possesses one of the finest tanking ultimates in the game, which stuns and knocks down any enemy in a cone in front of him.


  1. Be assertive and let your teammates know when you plan to lower your shield.
  2. Instead of constantly employing your shield, manage it by using natural cover (walls and anything else that cuts off your opponent’s line of sight).
  3. Be cautious while using your charge ability since if used improperly, it might swiftly result in your demise. Remember that once you use this, there is no option for you to escape because it is your only mobility talent. Thankfully, unlike earlier, when Reinhardt continued to charge until he reached a wall, you may now halt your charge ability in the middle of it.


  • Rocket Hammer
  • Charge
  • Barrier Field
  • Fire Strike
  • Earthshatter (Ultimate Ability)
  • Steadfast (Passive)

What’s Changed in Overwatch 2?

  • New Tank Passive
  • Health increased from 300 to 325 (Buff)
  • Armor decreased from 350 to 300 (Buff)
  • Firestrike now has 2 charges.
  • Firestrike damage decreased from 100 to 90 HP. It is still a buff considering Reinhardt now has 2 charges.
  • Barrier Shield Health reduced from 1600 to 1200 HP. (Nerf)
  • Barrier Shield Health Regen Rate reduced from 200 HP/sec to 144 HP/sec. (Nerf)
  • Charge steering turn rate increased +50% and is now cancellable. (Buff)
  • Charge damage decreased from 300 to 225 HP. (Nerf)
  • Charge cooldown decreased from 10 seconds to 8 seconds. (Buff)

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